42 Laws of Maat, or 42 Negative Confessions, or 42 Admonition to Goddess Maat, or 42 Declarations of Innocence or Admonitions of Maát, 42 Laws of Maat of Ancient Egypt, or the Laws of the Goddess Maat

Hieroglyph of Goddess Maat iconography, i.e.,
feather of truth (Shu) on top of her head

The purpose of ma'at (law/justice/truth) among the Kemet (Kmt Khemet) people of ancient Upper and Lower Egypt was to divert chaos (Isfet). In Spellbook/Chapter 125 of The Papyrus of Ani (also Book of Coming Forth By Day or The Egyptian Book of the Dead, as edited by E.A. Wallis Budge) the viewer of this hieroglyphic picture finds the petitioner led by Anubis into duat (underworld/the gate).

Image of Goddess Maat

Anubis, The Scale Setter

In Spellbook/Chapter 30B of The Papyrus of Ani titled “Chapter for Not Letting Ani’s Heart Create Opposition Against Him, in the Gods’ Domain,” we find a petitioner of ma'at (justice/truth) before the scales of justice (iconography ma'at/goddess maat). Anubis, the setter of the scales, has placed the petitioner's heart-soul (Ka) on one side of the scale, its counter-weight is the feather of truth (Shu). The Spellbook/Chapter for Not Letting Ani's Heart Create Opposition Against Him in the Gods' Domain is where the petitioner must pronounce, and his/her weighted heart/soul (Ka) will reveal the truth or non-truth of each affirmative of the 42 pronouncements.

Petitioner's heart-soul (Ka) being weighed on the scales of justice (Goddess Ma'at) by Anubis (scale setter) against the feather of truth (Shu)

The 42 Divine Principles of Maat in Budge's native English follows:

  1. I have not committed sin. 
  2. I have not committed robbery with violence.
  3. I have not stolen.
  4. I have not slain men or women.
  5. I have not stolen food.
  6. I have not swindled offerings.
  7. I have not stolen from God/Goddess.
  8. I have not told lies.
  9. I have not carried away food.
  10. I have not cursed.
  11. I have not closed my ears to truth.
  12. I have not committed adultery.
  13. I have not made anyone cry.
  14. I have not felt sorrow without reason.
  15. I have not assaulted anyone.
  16. I am not deceitful.
  17. I have not stolen anyone’s land.
  18. I have not been an eavesdropper.
  19. I have not falsely accused anyone.
  20. I have not been angry without reason.
  21. I have not seduced anyone’s wife.
  22. I have not polluted myself.
  23. I have not terrorized anyone.
  24. I have not disobeyed the Law.
  25. I have not been exclusively angry.
  26. I have not cursed God/Goddess.
  27. I have not behaved with violence.
  28. I have not caused disruption of peace.
  29. I have not acted hastily or without thought.
  30. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.
  31. I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.
  32. I have not worked evil.
  33. I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds.
  34. I have not polluted the water.
  35. I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.
  36. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.
  37. I have not placed myself on a pedestal.
  38. I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess.
  39. I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased.
  40. I have not taken food from a child.
  41. I have not acted with insolence.
  42. I have not destroyed property belonging to God/Goddess
Left to Right: Goddess Ma'at,  Thoth/Tehuti, The Petitioner of Maat,
Scales of Goddess Ma'at (Lady Justice), and Anubis

The ibis-headed Thoth is the patron saint of Maat scribes and priests. He is also known as Tehuti. In the Duat (place for judgment/underworld) and the Hall of Two Truths, Thoth/Tehuti holds a tablet and writing tool and records the scale's reading of the 42 affirmation of the petitioner. The successful petitioner will be led from Duat to Arus (the Field of Reeds) where Osiris sits as the last gatekeeper judge.

Image of Thoth (Thovt, Thot) aka Tehuti
(Djehuti, Djewhuti), Patron of Scribes


Written by Vanessa Cross, J.D., LL.M. [CC 2012]

KEYWORD SEARCH: 42 laws of maat, kmt, shu, maat, justice, law, truth, papyrus of ani 42 laws, laws of the goddess, maat laws egypt, maat kemet, maat kemet law, maat justice, maat gods goddesses 42, maat goddess, maat and kemet, ancient kemet, african god papyrus, upper and lower kemet, 42 principles of maat, 42 laws of maat hieroglyphics, 42 laws of maat god, 42 laws of maat budge, ancient kemet history, ancient kemet laws, 42 declarations of maat, keemt book of thoth, kemet atum, kemet astronomy, judgment laws of maat, isfet chaos, goddess scales, hieroglyphs feather justice, khemet mythology, kemetic vizier, kemetic cosmology, kemetic book of the dead translated, kemet texts, kemet truth, kemet scales, kemet people, rule of maat, rule of law, scribe ani


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    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hi-jack a topic and promote your own website, snakeoil sales in the comments. Well done leeches

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Deeply inspired to maintain a high level of integrity. As a former Christian, I'm shocked at the similarities when comparing and contrasting the Principles listed above with the Ten Commandments!

    1. The biblical commandments originate from Kemet sis

    2. Moses, an "Initiate" of the "Egyptian Mysteries," "copied" 10 of the 42 Admonitions on his return from Mt Sinai after "talking with God.". According to the late Dr Yosef A. A. Ben Jochannon, the can be found written in stone in the Temple at Abydos

    3. All religions are derived from the kemet/kush dynasty... ( we are the sh.t....)lol

    4. All religions are derived from the kemet/kush dynasty... ( we are the sh.t....)lol

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. NOthing was copied from Kemet, you people are nuts. Gods law was his...and he is the beginning and the end. Nothing was before him.

    7. Ya Asantewa, you are a follower of someone telling you that Gods laws were given only through moses. You're right nothing is before him, GOD made men & women intelligent well before Moses gave you the 10 commandments & that's on the walls long before Moses. Do the math & study. You may find out that you may be nuts!!

    8. Boom. She's nuts. Brainwashed

    9. Boom. She's nuts. Brainwashed

    10. Half of the 10 commandments are not found here. As a matter of fact, the 10 commandments contradicts the beliefs of ancient Kemet who worshipped many gods and had many idols. The other commandments are just basic moral principles that are found in any culture.

    11. If god were a him..... Why does a man have nipples???

    12. If god were a him..... Why does a man have nipples???

    13. That is a very good question , I see no one wanted to touch it , but I'll give it a shot, because is flesh and bone , but since this said " God " is supposed to be all Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless. Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future.
      Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God. So how was God a man with nipples or a human be a god and have nipples? Hmm One never knows..peace... but I really think somebody's lying on this god tip that "he came in the flesh and died upon a wooden cross.. peace again.

    14. That is a very good question , I see no one wanted to touch it , but I'll give it a shot, because is flesh and bone , but since this said " God " is supposed to be all Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless. Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future.
      Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God. So how was God a man with nipples or a human be a god and have nipples? Hmm One never knows..peace... but I really think somebody's lying on this god tip that "he came in the flesh and died upon a wooden cross.. peace again.

    15. I see no one wanted to touch your question , so I'll take a shot at it , "Man is flesh and bones with a set of nopples , yet this said "God" is suppose to be Being omnipotent, God has power over wind, water, gravity, physics, etc. God's power is infinite, or limitless. Omniscience means all-knowing. God is all all-knowing in the sense that he is aware of the past, present, and future.
      Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God: But without nipples , so man is not God , but a god with nipples that makes himself a god upon the fears and beliefs of others with military force or just out of plain fear from others who should know better , so this "God" that is spoken of is made up , because the opposite of God is Goddess making them both Human and they are not "OMNIPOTENT" by far , FORE THEY HAVE NIPPLES AND THE CREATOR doesn't , feel me?

    16. the God concept started with the bible, which was written long after the coffin text, so genesis was also written after the said text. the author of the text that started the book was educated in kmt\Kemet and his name was not Moses, But tut mos. we are willing to accept a belief system that is younger than the earth itself, and when asked as to the origin of the son of god and his ethnic origin we say it does not matter. As children of the Nile valley we need to open our eyes. as to the son of Canaan www.westpalm2boca.com February 25, 2016 your comment is inaccurate, if my ancestors are what you say they are why did all of the anointed of the bible all the holy books come to kmt

    17. Well said
      Moses went on the run after he broke a law that was already in place in ancient Kemet. This is before the 10 commandments were written. (thy shall not kill)

    18. I have been studying the Egyptian Book of the Dead; it is fascinating. Why do some of these commandments seem to repeat?

    19. Have you ever seen a trial lawyer ask the same question over and over again, but in a different way? This is designed to force out the truth. Also, this technique was inspired by The Principal of Truth called Maat. Don't think of Maat as a goddess, she is a Principal of truth and order.

    20. Moses didn't violate any commandments. He was a just man according to scripture. It's interesting that everyone views Moses as a murderer. He was defending a fellow Hebrew, who obviously was afraid to defend himself against an Egyptian who apparently was using excessive force.

      What would you do if a police officer was beating your brother with a cudgel or the butt of a gun?

      A Black man's image will always be tarnished if he bucks the system.

    21. THANKS FOR YOUR TRUTH SEPTEMBER 27 2017 please teach them:)

    22. Hello everyone,just seeing this let me add this, the god concept came from Egypt and it was for the ppl to have hope in a higher entity that was not seen as a man with faults but one of Justice,love and peace!! Far as Moses is concerned we should be mindful and study the builders of the pyramids!! Ok here we go,the pyramids we're constructed long before Moses and ramases the first or second, Egyptian skilled laborers built all the pyramids,no Hebrews slaves none of that stuff happened,matter of a fact the Bible is a holy book so why put some inaccurate stories in there? See study to show yourself of knowledge so that you can divide the truth from the non truth!!

    23. Hello everyone,just seeing this let me add this, the god concept came from Egypt and it was for the ppl to have hope in a higher entity that was not seen as a man with faults but one of Justice,love and peace!! Far as Moses is concerned we should be mindful and study the builders of the pyramids!! Ok here we go,the pyramids we're constructed long before Moses and ramases the first or second, Egyptian skilled laborers built all the pyramids,no Hebrews slaves none of that stuff happened,matter of a fact the Bible is a holy book so why put some inaccurate stories in there? See study to show yourself of knowledge so that you can divide the truth from the non truth!!

    24. The people in kemet didn't idolize gods they believed in the cosmic goddesses which is our cosmic mother just like Maat first 2 letters are ma because without a mother nothing is born egyptians knew that kushites too sumerians aslo and this dates back far as u want to take it male deities come long after when egos got in the way..nut and Geb the waters above is the same as below..Nut being the firment and Geb ground level the earth

    25. The people in kemet didn't idolize gods they believed in the cosmic goddesses which is our cosmic mother just like Maat first 2 letters are ma because without a mother nothing is born egyptians knew that kushites too sumerians aslo and this dates back far as u want to take it male deities come long after when egos got in the way..nut and Geb the waters above is the same as below..Nut being the firment and Geb ground level the earth

    26. I am no scholar in this. I am no specialist or researcher, but as for the Kemet / Kush Dynasty and the "when" all that occurred,I honestly wonder what the heck the Chinese history and everything came from?
      They just seem to be a little more "older" than this bunch.
      I am not denying anyone to believe whatever they wish to, or who wrote whatever been written from whatever race, but I just think some are taking things little too far to the left to prove their point.
      Any opinion will be justified by that believer. It is similar to an eye witness to some crime - things get little murky even few minutes later. It is human nature. Maybe if we bother ourselves little less by who did what those days and just live as good natured human beings .... but then again, why should we? ((

  5. We need more ancient teachings, I would like to learn the language of kemet

  6. First time I've seen these. But no one could passinto the next world because wirh have all done so many of these things on our lives. No wonder Moses narrowed it down to ten! At least that gives us a shot!

    1. Wake up and ooen your eyes and read they were laws laws get it right and if ur not going to read dont reply people

    2. Nope. You have to become fully awakened to move out of this dimension.... meaning you need to open all 7 chakras to be fully enlightened. That's how you get out of this hell hole down here.

  7. The God of our Father's has 613 laws that the Jewish youth carry blue tzit tzit, beads to remind them to do all His commandments.
    Moses narrowed it down to 10 Commandments for the sons of Ishmael/Issac, Jacob/Esau to follow.
    Christ again in the new covenant narrowed the law down to 2 Commandments, to always remember to love The Father, and love thy neighbor as you love and value your own life.
    On those two laws hang all judgement of the judges, lawyers and prophets.
    Best advice I can give, return to the law of love and repentance before all time comes to a halt.

    1. Hey, I love what you said, and im definitely not trying to troll, just asking a little clarity because you seem to be well versed in the bible, and I am new to the ancient Kemetic writtings.

      1) Do you think Jesus Christ is the only way into heaven and why?

      2) In regards to Jesus giving only 2 commandments, maybe a little more details, because now that I think about it, I think your right. But i still need the verses, I feel like he gave more, but he came as a teacher.

      any input would be helpful, your reasoning so simplistic it actually made a lot of sense.

    2. I don't feel laws for humans are necessary. Outside of the 7 Hermetic Universal Laws, all this other stuff is B.S (excuse my french). Kangaroos, Giraffes, Lions, not Bunnys need a book or set of rules to hop or be at one with consciousness, nature or the Creator. Humans are the most sophisticated beings on the planet. So why in the heck we need a book or set of laws? All we need is the god-given sense and instinct that we already have.

    3. I don't feel laws for humans are necessary. Outside of the 7 Hermetic Universal Laws, all this other stuff is B.S (excuse my french). Kangaroos, Giraffes, Lions, not Bunnys need a book or set of rules to hop or be at one with consciousness, nature or the Creator. Humans are the most sophisticated beings on the planet. So why in the heck we need a book or set of laws? All we need is the god-given sense and instinct that we already have.

    4. 2 love God means you have 2 obey His commandments and 2 keep His Words forever.

    5. When Moses went up to the mountain of Egypt the mountain was the doctrine of Egypt... it was here he saw the great I AM. We must remember that Moses was brought up in the religion of Pharoah and Egypt and that before him Joseph was also Pharoah's right hand man.... (could he have left Moses some clues????) It is all very interesting....

  8. Yes!!! Help me understand as well as a former Christian, because it seems very suspect how I can repent and be automatically accepted into heaven???... Especially if I lived my whole life a sinner???.. And to whom I pray to????. Jesus or God himself????..... In a. Nutshell it seems to me that Jesus himself even went by these 42 laws of maat.......

    1. Kemet is where its laws originate! Study the ancient african religions

    2. Pray and seek forgiveness from the One True God. God doesn't take a son. It is not befitting of Him to have a son.

      116) And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
      117) I said not to them except what You commanded me - to worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness.

      118) If You should punish them - indeed they are Your servants; but if You forgive them - indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.

      119) Allah will say, "This is the Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness." For them are gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever, Allah being pleased with them, and they with Him. That is the great attainment.

    3. You pray to God the Father who is in heaven just as Jesus our Saviour have.

    4. Since Kemet is where these laws originated, that means they were stolen, borrowed, whatever to fit a narrative in the completely fake bible. So why pray to Jesus or the God in the bible? Pray to your higher conscious self.

  9. If we've done these things what God or Goddess do we go to for forgiveness it any is to be offered

    1. Any God you choose if it makes you feel better. My opinion is too forgive yourself and keep it moving. Just become a better person by not making the same mistakes. Open up that heart Chakra to let more compassion flow out of you! My reply is coming in 2017. I hope you see it LOL

  10. If we've done these things what God or Goddess do we go to for forgiveness it any is to be offered

  11. So people are still into the fake Christianity?Then they have long way to go.

  12. Tiffany says,"As a former Christian, I'm shocked at the similarities when comparing and contrasting the Principles listed above with the Ten Commandments!"

    Beautysays says, "The biblical commandments originate from Kemet..."

    Terrance says, Moses, an 'Initiate' of the 'Egyptian Mysteries,' 'copied' 10 of the 42 Admonitions on his return from Mt Sinai after 'talking with God.'"

    I'm sorry, I'm sure these are all nice people with good intentions, but these statements are absurd. To begin with, the list must have lost something in the translation from what would have to be some form of hieroglyphics, as it laws are often repetitive. Why, for instance, does "I have not stolen food" have to be said in law #5 if one says in law #3 "I have not stolen?" In fact, there is much repetition in the "stealing" category.

    Still I only see four clear repetitions between the Ten Commandments and these 42 laws--unless you want to say that using the Lord's name in vain is the same as "I have not cursed God/Goddess," which I would disagree with, but for the sake of argument that would make five. There is no mention of worshiping only one true God and to have no other gods before Him. It has no mention of not worshiping idols. It does not touch on the subject of a Sabbath day and to keep it holy. It says nothing of honoring or dishonoring one's father and mother. It does not mention the sin of coveting.

    Surely in all of history you are going to have some natural overlap of moral laws between cultures, especially when it comes to stealing and murder. Let's not get carried away with ridiculous arguments that such parallels means one people stole their foundational tenants from others.

    1. Well said, Jay. There is a high degree of "parallelomania" and a craze that suggestion that any comparison of terms in the mystery religions and its mythology - like Kemet - suggests wholesale stealing of moral, ethical and faith concepts. We must reject the comparative mythology which finds a causal relationship between everything and everything else, and the dependency fallacy that occurs when interpreters imply that Christianity borrowed not only the form but the substance of the many gods of the mystery religions and turned it into a new monotheistic religion. It is all based on the terminology fallacy that pieces together parts of many myths to arrive at a comparison to the one cohesive unified Christian narrative. Finally, the chronology fallacy suggest that if anything pre-dates something else that new thing is dependent on the earlier writing. The truth is the opposite occured and continues to occur today. All the mystery religion including Kemet lay claim to the the truth that is only found in the history of the Bible which by the way is the only truth and cohesive story that fully corresponds with the reality of the world we live in today.

    2. You should YouTube (Christianity 100% bull) and you'll see true facts. I was hardcore Christian, and to deny these facts would just be an act of fear and rebellion. I comprehend very well, and my perception is keen. I will no longer be a fool.

    3. If you are considered an African American,then why wouldn't you want to know more about how your ancestors did things in their beliefs,but the European Bible surely tells you to not be as the Egyptian ppl,why is that? Why does the Bible make Egypt the enemies of God first? Does the the book of Maat teaches you that the European ppl are enemies of God?

  13. Thanks- http://www.africanknowledgetoday.com/

  14. Thanks- http://www.africanknowledgetoday.com/

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Kemites failed to follow God and became a god unto themselves. As a result, the gift of being the first people with great potential was removed from them to the Hebrew people(who are not white! That a modern twist) who would obey is command. The Egyptians or Kemites would have campaigns(war) in Nubia to steal their gold because they believed gold was the skins of the gods. The Pharaohs died and all they did remained, including their bodies for us to study as artifacts. They weren't gods and they went nowhere. They remained to be studied and place in museums. God the God of heaven Yahweh remains faithful to unfaithful humans and we are pierced through with many sorrows because we fail to seek after Him and do His will! Kemet that! God gave the children of Israel His commands because they had gotten into the bad poor self-worship practices of Egypt.

    1. What you are talking about is utterly nonsense we gave the world religion dont forget that africans came with the damn planet the immaculate conception and resurrection predates christianity by 2000 years go read a book and get the facts

    2. You see the problem here is when you put the two in one basket Egyptian and the people of the Nile valley are not one Egyptians came long after when the greeks and romans got in to and that was long after the Hyksos was done with it and Egypt was the a different dynastic period as for the so called children of isreal if you live in a state for 100 years you cannot tell a child he is not from his place of birth lets stop fooling ourselves for it is written that they came in few and left a mixed multitude after 400 years how big do you think that multitude was ........

    3. Just to throw a spanner into your thoughts. Why had the Egyptians a God called Amen, the unseen one; and why do Christians always end their prayers with a reference to the God Amen. Glyph No:496 Johnson. Please consider also the following: The Bible tells us, that Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt, but no one ever tells us, when he returned from Egypt. As the Principles of Maat were known to every Egyptian then, is it not a wonder that Jesus concluded his prayers with a reference to the unknown God "Amen".
      Why had the Egyptians a Triune God (Holy Trinity) of the Resurrection (Glyph No: 493. Johnson.
      I just published on Kindle the Book: "Ray Johnson :A Treasure of Ancient Wisdom. The 42.Tales of Maat" if you want to compare the real stories of Maat, they are mind boggling.

    4. But Akhenaten came up with the one God concept!! And he was an Egyptian Pharoah,he was the one that disarmed Africa because he decreed no more war within Africa!!

  17. Like many TODAY..self worship..idols.

  18. Like many TODAY..self worship..idols.

  19. Jesus is the feather of -maat- as Jesus says " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

    -maat- is the truth, and life -ankh- and there is no other way towards god than via -maat-

    Also Jesus says:"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, this is the law and prophets" This sentence is totally the law of -maat- as the law of maat also states I have done what is right, I have done away what is wrong, e.g. I have done what is right to me and others, I have done away what is wrong from me and others. Please note, in papyrus of
    -anhai- there is goddess -maat- holding 4 feathers of -maat- this is amazing, while from the law it self, it is also clear, it is equal to everyone. You must remember, Jesus didn t mean 2 thieves or liars just liking each other and their crimes, or other similar ways.

    So Jesus is really like -maat- and -maat- is for me the law to follow.

    1. Jesus was a man like all man. Jesus was compelled with a mission by God, but he's not the way into God he was given you the way into God. Man has as always took Jesus meanings and life and made it more then it was meant to be. One thing to remember god is holy and great and there nothing we can do to please him he above us, gift he gave us was to know he is and that is the key to him.

  20. Jesus is the feather of -maat- as Jesus says " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

    -maat- is the truth, and life -ankh- and there is no other way towards god than via -maat-

    Also Jesus says:"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, this is the law and prophets" This sentence is totally the law of -maat- as the law of maat also states I have done what is right, I have done away what is wrong, e.g. I have done what is right to me and others, I have done away what is wrong from me and others. Please note, in papyrus of
    -anhai- there is goddess -maat- holding 4 feathers of -maat- this is amazing, while from the law it self, it is also clear, it is equal to everyone. You must remember, Jesus didn t mean 2 thieves or liars just liking each other and their crimes, or other similar ways.

    So Jesus is really like -maat- and -maat- is for me the law to follow.

    1. Jesus was an instrument for God to bring you to understand God like many others were, always remember you can talk directly to God you don't need someone in between. We speak with are heart and God reads the heart.

  21. MoePhanest- Rest In Pece To My Leaders music Video https://youtu.be/owoJiJK44yw

  22. MoePhanest- Rest In Pece To My Leaders music Video https://youtu.be/owoJiJK44yw

  23. Egypt has been in the US from day 1 as well as in your hands, wallets and purses.

  24. History 101

  25. Thank-you for bringing me back to where I belong... correct mindset

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  27. Even in Christianity you have the 12 call them the workers of God, with Moses , Noah and Jesus. St. Peter the gate keeper much like Osiris. There is still a pantheon of functional characters wether you call them angels or "Gods". So knowing that the religion, I.e. the belief in the afterlife is the same. Do not judge one over the other. There is a final judge. He decides. Not you.

  28. God, Jesus, Moses, Noah, and the twelve apostles and two Marys(Maats). Osisris, Thoth, Anubis, Sobek, Maat, you are looking at two seperate versions of the afterlife that are actually the exact same. You're just calling the "others" angels.

  29. Replies
    1. Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene
      Isis and Maat
      Ptah becomes Peter and as you can see the name wasn't changed much from Egypt to Israel. The function of Thoth and Anubis and Amen Re have been taken over by Moses and Noah, "God's" two main workers. To claim these are two different religions would be false. The names have been changed. And the new civilization just attempts to demonize the enemy "old" civilization.
      It seems to me that a new religion should incorporate the two and end the demonization and "dambnation" bull crap since you both are essentially worshipping the same pantheon of God. There was Adam and then Egypt and then Isreal. Why make the period from Adam to Moses the "dark" age? They worshipped God!

    2. Where did the lake of fire and judgement in the afterlife come from? Be honest.

    3. @Jeff Ross

      "Hell" is originally a code word for the 1st (root or base) chakra where the Kundalini aka "serpent of fire" (life force) lays dormant.
      When it's aroused the energy is scorching hot and when all the chakras are open, the Kundalini coils up the spine and pierces through each of the 7 chakras up to "Heaven" (you may have heard the term "7th heaven" before) aka the crown chakra which brings enlightenment and bliss.

      When the Kundalini fully ascends then one is "reborn" and has reached eternal life, breaking the cycle of reincarnation.

      In ancient Egypt the afterlife realm was known as "Duat."

    4. @Jeff Ross

      "Hell" is originally a code word for the 1st (root or base) chakra where the Kundalini aka "serpent of fire" (life force) lays dormant.
      When it's aroused the energy is scorching hot and when all the chakras are open, the Kundalini coils up the spine and pierces through each of the 7 chakras up to "Heaven" (you may have heard the term "7th heaven" before) aka the crown chakra which brings enlightenment and bliss.

      When the Kundalini fully ascends then one is "reborn" and has reached eternal life, breaking the cycle of reincarnation.

      In ancient Egypt the afterlife realm was known as "Duat."

  30. Actually the laws are a check and balance. At the beginning of the day you start by saying...I will not say or do this or that. At the end of the day you evaluate by saying I have not done this or that. Read: "Heal Thyself" by Queen Afua.

  31. Everyone should go YouTube (Christianity 100% bull) and you will discover truth about ALL religions and the fact that they ALL stole from Ancient Egypt beliefs and created their on based thereof. It's true, so they all must be FALSE.

  32. There is a Divine presence in the Universe from which all righteous law is derived. Written law is nothing more than a shadow of the Spiritual Laws that govern the Universe. And, breaking them violates the trust that the Divine presence has bestowed upon all of creation and unleashes all the horrors broken laws produce. Blaming others for these horrors is pointless because once broken all direction in origin is lost.

  33. The 10 commandments came from Maat's law

    1. Nini i love you so much for studying you and mine law. These are our ancient laws. These are God's laws given to the Hebrews. Moses recites these Canaanite laws to his people. Genesis 21:23. Leviticus 19:11. you shall not deal falsely.

  34. The 10 commandments came from Maat's law

    1. Prom you are right I love intelligent being not brainwashed being keep it up dear and learn hard

  35. The sun is the heart of God, the heat of the sun is the spirit of life, look at the sun and you see the movement of the heat which is life. You take the sun away and all would freeze (no more life). The sun we see but it not in our realm of life it across the horizon. We can duplicate fire but it goes out the sun does not burn out because it life.

  36. The spirit of God (his mind) was the spirit water (not physical) and through his mind and heart (the sun) he made all things.

  37. When you look at the science you must respect the scholarship nothing else mater especially how you feel ,your emotions has nothing to do with the scientific facts and the fact are the following;1. "The original foundational matter of the Mosaic writings is not, was not, historical at all, but ENTIRELY MYTHICAL.....The myths of EGYPT will be found to have been COPIED and REPRODUCED. THE HEBREWS TOOK THEM FROM THE EGYPTIANS, with other stolen goods, and were UNABLE or DID NOT CHOOSE to render a TRUE account of them."

    Gerald Massey

    2. "The entire Christian Bible, creation legend, descent into and exodus from Egypt, ark and flood allegory, Israelite history, Hebrew prophesy and poetry, Gospel, Epistles and Revelation imagery, ALL ARE NOW PROVEN to have been the TRANSMISSION OF ANCIENT EGYPTS SCROLLS AND PAPYRI into the hands of later generations which knew neither their true origin nor their fathomless meaning"

    Dr Alvin Boyd Kuhn PhD
    PhD Theosophy Columbia University

    3. "The ripe social and moral development of mankind in the Nile Valley which is 3000 YEARS OLDER than that of the Hebrews CONTRIBUTED ESSENTIALLY TO THE FORMATION OF the Hebrew literature. Our moral heritage therefore derives from a wider human past ENORMOUSLY OLDER THAN THE HEBREWS and it has come to us rather THROUGH the Hebrews than FROM them"

    Professor James H. Breasted
    Egyptologist & Profess.

    4."The WHOLE Christian Bible was derived from the sacred books of Egypt, such as:

    EA Wallis Budge
    (Keeper of the Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum)

    1. At every turn the Hebrews seem to have stolen everything from other cultures and have turned what have stolen into an exclusive "club" for Hebrews only.

      The Christians followed suit with the Christ myth. The Christians made "the Christ story" another exclusive "club" where only those who claim "the name of Jesus" can be "saved". This in turn has created another form of self-love and an "I'm-better-than-you" mentality because I say "the name of Jesus" therefore I am saved no matter what I do. Some Christians think they have a license to steal because of the way the New Testament is written.

      What Christians forget or don't even know is that the Roman Catholic Church (The Holy Roman Empire) had exclusive control of the New Testament for the first 4 or 5 centuries. Being that The Holy Roman Empire was intrinsically evil, don't Christians today ever think that the Empire's scribes and priests could have "adjusted" the Scriptures to make them say what they wanted the Scriptures to say - which they did.

      I am highly suspect of this "Jesus only" way to "Salvation". As you might have gathered by now, I don't have any more respect for Christians than I do for non-Christians. Christian morality (the way it is today) does not impress me. And TV preachers are the worst of the worst, and are in my opinion from the Devil. The "Prosperity Gospel" is the biggest trick the Devil has ever played on mankind. But the people love it.

    2. Coming in late, so who wrote the "Books of the Dead"? Would be a shame to die and not have believed in anything.

  38. All of this information is fascinating and I thank one & all for their input, it's very helpful ....peace and blessings

  39. I've went through so many of these comments and I basically see two opposing sides.... Like who had the laws first or negative Confessions....... What's so crazy is.... Nobody is mentioning Actually keeping the laws and commandments or Confessions.....So Let's quit the diversionary tactics and practice doing the word... Because based on the evil things we perpetrate against one another, our nature has fallen below that of animals.... Animals move by instincts,....Humans are supposed to be able to reason through logic and spiritual foresight....But yet our minds seem to be continually evil.....Quit all the talk and put in the work.

    1. I agree with you. We ALL need to look within ourselves and actually not worry about who or what or if. We have no idea who or what or how this Universe was made but we do know that it WAS NOT made by man. Man has become so selfish to himself or herself that we even forgot what Jesus Christ said "The Kingdom of God is within You" Its the HERE AND NOW.....Our inner selves. If someone does EVIL.....IT's that person who does that....not an outside force" The world needs to stop pointing fingers at people and religions and look at OURSELVES.

  40. Due to such wicked, heathen and decadent abombination ways of the various Invaders, the Ancient Afrikan-Kemetic (Egyptians) people the the Nile Valley Civilization known as KMT - Land of the Blacks had to develop these laws, rules as a guide to let it be known these unaccepted behaviors and ways were NOT Welcome at at ALL by the Afrikan-Blacks that composed the Nile Valley Civilization.

    1. Preach,the European man was ashamed that they had no laws, concepts of law,nor a deity to find hope and strength to live by,so they cheated and made up a version that they could hold sacred and bring the whole world to submission of it where by the would lead!!

  41. Due to such wicked, heathen and decadent abombination ways of the various Invaders, the Ancient Afrikan-Kemetic (Egyptians) people the the Nile Valley Civilization known as KMT - Land of the Blacks had to develop these laws, rules as a guide to let it be known these unaccepted behaviors and ways were NOT Welcome at at ALL by the Afrikan-Blacks that composed the Nile Valley Civilization.

  42. Read 5 translations today and not one completely agrees with another.
    Why is there no outright compunction against rape, slavery or pedophilia?
    Not making someone cry, no assault, no evil and no terror would cover these things but crying covers a WHOLE lot of things, rape might not been considered assault back then, slavery might not have been seen as evil (it was common) and age of consent for cultures is all over the place.

  43. What is the penalty for breaking 1 of these laws

    1. No penalty they are more like stop signs to keep your heart from getting to heavy to support your life.

  44. Has anyone ever considered that we are in hell and that the goal is to get out. We get out of hell by unearthing the truth but since the devil is crafty there is much confusion and thus until one is enlightened by the truth does one become free of hell. Problem, so many claim to have the truth and many are deceived thus we are still struggling to get out of hell. Anyone????

  45. Has anyone ever considered that we are in hell and that the goal is to get out. We get out of hell by unearthing the truth but since the devil is crafty there is much confusion and thus until one is enlightened by the truth does one become free of hell. Problem, so many claim to have the truth and many are deceived thus we are still struggling to get out of hell. Anyone????

  46. You may have a point there. After all, history belongs to those who have written about it. How much of the truth do we really have ?

  47. Maybe we can write a different narrative to progress individually and Unified as today's People so that we can work toward a common goal as the Egyptians did. Let's move from Division perspective so that we can rise as higher conscious beings and build a more flourishing society respectful of all life, knowing who we are as a whole, illuminating truth from creating as the creators we are. This exemplification by humanity will show children a Beloved World bringing that expectation for future generations, therefore we can advance on all planes of life!

    1. As wonderful as that sounds and should be it will never happen because men crave power too much and being in control of others. This is why we as mankind will be the cause of our own demise.

    2. Look at how we refuse to do the basic requirements of survival.....we are killing our own planet let alone each other.

  48. I was born into a belief system that promoted racism and hindered my ability to function as a man, through study I have learned that belief is, "believe in the lie," so therefore I depend on what I know. The truth is all around you just look.

  49. Religion was created by insecure men to oppress women,jesus supported oppression he said and I quote slave be subjected to your masters so I asked who did he died or came to save.be wise beings don't let religion tear u apart.

  50. Fellows I'm in Ghana and looking for a natural woman to marry that can live by the truth and the truth.+233248010005 my watsaap line

  51. That is not Anubis it is Osiris in the image

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  53. I really wish people would stop rewriting history! These terms are all out of context.. Wrong keybwords. .. My advice.. Research .This is watered down and rewritten which changes the original context .Grrrrr

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  56. This is the foundation for the teachings of the Holy Bible. This 42 negative confessions is where those teachings come from along with various other stolen knowledge

    1. The so-called holy Bible stole the ten commandments from Kemet

  57. And that last pic is not Anubis that is Osiris. Please dont confuse the people.

  58. The so-called holy Bible stole the ten commandments from MAAT

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  60. Suggest, what is described as Negative, is meant in fact as a positive: I enclose for you, Tale No: 4 of the 42. Tales of Maat:4. Be not haughty or vain!

    The origin of the custom of the “Lady in waiting” in England.
    There was once a king who was a very strict man, but never-the-less very just and fair. One day when he was touring the Nomes, he paid a visit to one of the princes. The prince was greatly concerned, as he knew that the king was a very strict man, and that, if anything was wrong, then the king would be the first to notice it.
    The king soon found something wrong, it was the prince’s daughter, so he sent for the prince in private and said to him:
    “I have noticed your daughter. All she seems to do is to preen herself before the mirror, and to eat and drink. Furthermore, she abuses and strikes her servants, she is a bad tempered, nasty girl, which thinks herself better than others.
    She sets herself as a bad example to those of lesser station. We must have the respect of the people, if the system is to run smoothly, therefore she must be taught a lesson. You have apparently neglected to do this, therefore I shall take this matter in hand myself, unless of course you wish to stand down from your position to a position of lesser standing, where your familie behaviour will not harm the peoples respect for our sovereignty!”
    The prince trembled and replied: “The matter is in the capable hands of your majesty!”
    The king ordered that a contest be called and that all the young ladies from the palace and the surrounding villages be allowed to compete, and there would be prizes in gold for the winners of the events...
    It was a gay time of festivity and the people from the villages all around came, to watch their daughters compete.
    The princess sat on the royal stand, with her servants fanning her.
    The King turned and addressed her sharply, he said: “What are you doing sitting up there? get down and compete with the other young ladies and win honour for your father’s house!”
    “But”, said the princess, “I cannot compete with mere servants and peasant girls!” The kings face reddened and he said: “Perhaps you feel that you are superior and win all the prizes? If this is the case, then show your superiority and win all the prizes. I order you to go!”
    Thus the princess was forced to compete...

    She did not know what to do, she came last in the footraces, she was no good in the weaving contest; she failed in all contests she took part in. When the contests were over, she felt ashamed and was angry with herself and everybody else and went to her room, crying...
    The king sent for her, and asked her why she did not win any prizes, and she replied that she did not know how.
    The king said: “I know why you never won any prizes, because you are an inferior person, not good for anything, why?” Even your maid-servants fared better than you, do not think for one moment that I did not see you trying to order your servants to let you win; but my power was greater than yours and I had foreseen that you might attempt this, thus it was I, who ordered your servants to do their best to win!”
    So what chance did you have at cheating?” “You are not only useless but also a “would be cheat!”
    Now stand before me and declare to me this instance, is there anything which you are good at doing?”
    And the princess had to admit that there was nothing she was good at.
    Then said the king, “I will have no parasites within the structure of my court, you shall be a servant in the royal house and attend to the queen!”

    And it was thus that the daughters of all leading nobles had to serve a time in the royal household as ladies-in-waiting, which later became tradition among the Royal Courts of Europe.

    This was Tale No: 4 of the 42 Tales of Maat, published by Sumptibus in a small Edition...

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